
miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

La cucaracha antibiótica

El investigador Simon Lee de la Universidad de Nottingham ha encontrado en el cerebro de cucarachas 9 moléculas que han resultado ser efectivas contra bacterias resistentes a antibióticos, consiguiendo una mortalidad superior al 90% en bacterias tan peligrosas como ciertas cepas de Escherichia coli o de Staphylococcus aureus. Según sus declaraciones: “una mortalidad del 90% es muy alta, y eso que diluí mucho estas sustancias para que la concentración fuese muy pequeña”. Personalmente le creo por que purificar de cerebros de cucarachas no debe ser moco de pavo. El equipo de Simon Lee va a hacer test con otras bacterias

Cockroaches could be good for us, say university scientists
COCKROACHES could be more of a health benefit than a health hazard according to scientists from the University of Nottingham.

Simon Lee, a postgraduate researcher, says he and fellow researchers have identified up to nine different molecules in the insects' tissues that were toxic to bacteria.

Mr Lee said the substances discovered could lead to novel treatments for multi-drug resistant bacterial infections.

"We hope that these molecules could eventually be developed into treatments for E. coli and MRSA infections that are increasingly resistant to current drugs," he said.

"Also, these new antibiotics could potentially provide alternatives to currently available drugs that may be effective but have serious side effects."

Mr Lee said the pharmaceutical industry is generating fewer and fewer new antibiotics due to lack of financial incentives, meaning that alternative sources of new drugs are much needed.

He added: "Insects often live in unsanitary and unhygienic environments where they encounter many different types of bacteria. It is therefore logical that they have developed ways of protecting themselves against micro-organisms."

Mr Lee will be delivering a presentation on the scientists research to the Society for General Microbiology's autumn meeting being held at the University of Nottingham over the next four days.

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