
lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

Un juez americano impide que los guatemaltecos puedan recibir indemnizaciones por ser inoculados con sífilis

Podéis leer la noticia abajo. Esto es un escándalo. El presidente Obama se disculpa por que en los años cuarenta un investigador americano inoculase con sífilis a guatemaltecos, pero como los guatemaltecos son pobres y no tienen capacidad para ganar la batalla legal, un juez decide que no tienen derecho a indemnización. Por esa regla de tres, tampoco la petrolera BP tendría por que haber pagado por el vertido en el golfo de México. Lo que hay es poca verguenza.

Despite the fact that the 1940s Guatemalen syphilis experiments that were conducted by an agency of the US government were undoubtedly a hugely unethical matter in US history, a US District judge says the victims of these atrocious experiments cannot sue the US government.

According to a Fox News Latino report Thursday, U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said that federal laws do not admit lawsuits in the United States for harm caused in a foreign country.

Seventy years ago, Public Health Service (PHS) physician, Dr. John C. Cutler, ran a syphilis inoculation project on Guatemalan soldiers and prisoners to determine the prophylactic capabilities of penicillin against this infamous spirochete.

The number of those affected is up for debate--the Guatemalan government has determined that more than 2,000 people were infected with syphilis, gonorrhea and chancroid in the 1940s, while the United States estimates the number at a little more than 1,300 people.


In light of the discovery a couple of years ago by Wellesley College professor, Susan Reverby, the major political figures in Washington came out to apologize to Guatemala from President Obama to Secretary Clinton and Secretary Sebelius.

President Obama even ordered a bioethics commission to investigate the Public Health Service/Dr. Cutler experiments.

Judge Walton advised the plaintiffs to direct their pleas to Congress and the executive branch, "who, if they choose, have the ability to grant some modicum of relief to those affected by the Guatemala study."

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