jueves, 9 de abril de 2015

Reinventar los laboratorios es hacerlos más pequeños

Por fin alguien pone los puntos sobre las ies:

The real solution to the postdoc problem, Tilghman says, lies in dramatically changing the composition of labs to make them smaller, with a higher ratio of permanent staff scientists to trainees. This was also a key recommendation in the National Academies report. “The more I have thought about this question, the more I’m convinced that at the heart of the problem is the structure of the lab,” says Tilghman, who headed up a 2012 study of the NIH workforce (see go.nature.com/wsqzgj).

¡Bravo Tilghman! ya está bien de tener científicos divos yéndose cada semana a un congreso diferente. ¡Poneos a trabajar cabrones!



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